As an adult who has needed to wear diapers for many years, I’ve come to know my fellow diaper wearers out there and the variety of reasons that people have for wearing them.
Adults wear diapers to help protect themselves from having embarrassing bladder and bowel accidents all over everything. Many adults also wear diapers for other types of body issues, psychological reasons, feminine issues, and even for fun! In all cases, diapers are worn for increased quality of life.
There are many people out there who need these products and as their use becomes more acceptable this list will continue to grow. As we dig into each of the above reasons in more depth you may be surprised as to the variety of motivators people have for wearing diapers.
Young Adults Have Incontinence and Bedwetting Issues Too
A lot of people think that a person’s ability to control their own bladder and bowels is just a given. That a lack of control over such things is limited to either the very young or the very old.
The truth is that people across ALL AGES have incontinence and bedwetting issues. There are far more of us out here than you might realize. Perhaps it’s your own issues that bring you to this page today?
While it is true that things like bedwetting are more common in children and get less common as children get older, the estimated 2% of all adults who will still wet the bed the rest of their lives is a substantial number when one looks at the bigger picture.
I myself started wetting the bed as a teenager and never stopped. These days I have no control over my bladder at all.
If 2% of all adults wet the bed that means that 6,600,000 adults in the U.S. alone have bedwetting issues.
Percentage cited from the National Association for Continence
It’s reasonable to suspect this percentage is low too due to underreporting and embarrassment of these issues. For that matter, the same thing goes with incontinence issues as well.
There are a lot of people out there who experience a loss of control that opt simply to just use diapers and NEVER tell anyone about it. EVEN THEIR DOCTORS!
Fortunately, we live in a day and age where such an option is even remotely possible thanks to the large selection of adult diapers available for us today. While I certainly advocate for a more open approach, the fact remains that since diapers exist people CAN actually make that choice if they want to.
Personally, this isn’t an approach that I would advise as keeping everything a secret has heavy psychological repercussions. Not to mention potentially devastating health repercussions depending on what the underlying causes might be.
I’m just a guy who wears diapers though not a doctor.
That aside, if you are having incontinence or bedwetting issues there’s no shame in needing to use diapers. If you’re still on the fence about using them for your nighttime needs here’s how to know if you should wear diapers to bed!
Other Types of Bodily Issues Might Cause People To Wear Diapers

There are a variety of other bodily issues that one can face that may drive them towards choosing to wear diapers for those “just in case” moments.
Many people with mobility issues or who might be wheelchair-bound may choose to wear diapers if they have a hard time getting to the bathroom in time. For some of these folks, it can be very difficult to find the right accommodations for their bathroom needs.
Beyond that, there as many as 30% of all men and 40% of all women with overactive bladders. A lot of people with such issues choose to wear diapers on long car trips, long flights, or really anywhere that quick access to a bathroom might be limited.
Then there are folks with irritable bowel syndrome too. There are anywhere from 10% to 15% of all people who suffer from IBS symptoms.
When you have any of these issues it can be a constant stress and worry of whether or not you will make it to the restroom in time. It’s totally understandable that someone might choose to wear diapers to help alleviate this concern and stress.
With the use of adult diapers, these folks can finally get some peace of mind.
There Are Psychological Reasons Why People Wear Diapers
It may surprise you to find out that there are a variety of psychological reasons that people may choose or need to wear adult diapers for.
There’s no denying that there are a whole host of neglected mental health issues plaguing the world these days. Things like anxiety and depression are often neglected.
You may already be familiar with the fact that some folks with issues like these may make use of something like a comfort dog to help. What you may not know is that there are those out there that feel relief from these issues just by wearing diapers.
This is one reason for wearing diapers that many may not consider or know of but the end result is still the same as all the other reasons. The person wearing the diaper experiences an increased quality of life.
This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons we need to normalize the use of wearing diapers. For folks with issues like these diapers CAN help but the stigma attached to wearing them can also hurt too.
It can be tough for someone who is wearing diapers for anxiety to explain that as the reason for their use of diapers. Hopefully with more content like what you’re finding on this site, and the Diaper Dynamo channels on YouTube and Tiktok, we can create a more welcoming atmosphere for people who need these products.
No matter what their reasons may be.
It’s far too easy to scoff, sneer, and make fun of someone who says they wear diapers for comfort but instead of having an emotional reaction we should be asking why.
To understand more deeply why some adults wear diapers for comfort check out this article next!
There Are Feminine Issues That Diapers Are Used For

One thing that I have recently come to learn through my activities on the Diaper Dynamo Tiktok is how common it is for women to use adult diapers for a couple of different feminine issues.
Adult diapers are used by many women for the weeks of healing they go through after giving birth. Diapers are uniquely designed to absorb a lot of fluid and the low absorbency levels of most feminine pads are not sufficient to absorb the amount of fluid needed.
By using adult diapers women can rest and heal up without any worries of staining their sheets or clothing.
Many women also report using adult diapers for helping to protect against heavy menstrual cycles as well. Pretty much for the same reasons as after birth.
In both cases, the flow of fluid is too much for regular pads and diapers are the best option to prevent ruining clothes and furniture. If you’d like to read more about this particular use of adult diapers check out this page next!
People Wear Diapers Just For Fun and Entertainment Too
This one may be the hardest for people to come to terms with but believe it or not, some people ACTUALLY wear diapers JUST FOR FUN!
To start with, there is a whole genre of YouTube videos out there where YouTubers are doing what is called the diaper challenge. This is pretty much what it sounds like where YouTubers put on a diaper for a day and get into fun shenanigans.
There are many variations on this challenge from wearing diapers for 24 hours to being treated like a baby for 24 hours. It’s really all in good fun and these videos get a lot of views simply because they are usually entertaining.
Beyond YouTube, there are whole communities of people out there that simply enjoy wearing diapers recreationally.
These communities have grown to be so large that it has generated a whole industry of special adult diapers catering just to them. These particular diapers are referred to as ABDL diapers and they come in a variety of different prints.
What’s actually great about this is that ABDL diapers generally perform really well due to the particular tastes of their target market. They help make a much larger variety of quality, absorbent selections available for the rest of us while also giving us some fun options to mix it up with.
Perhaps one day, when I help the adult diaper industry realize the need for quality tape up diapers that look cool, we can expand that selection of quality diapers further to include a larger variety of adult designs. It would be pretty cool to have a Marvel-themed option one day…